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Time is Money: 3 Ways to Save Both (according to expert Office Movers)

Cesar Duran

Office movers will tell you that when it comes to commercial office relocation, time is money. How can you make sure you’re maximizing your time throughout your office move?

Based on our experience as office movers at McCoy-Rockford and the best practices encouraged by moving experts from Strategy Hat, Chron, and Classic Moves, we’ve put together 3 helpful ways to save your company time (and subsequently, money) throughout your relocation process.                         


According to the moving experts at Strategy Hat, it’s best to plan for the bulk of your move to take place over a weekend. This relieves your company of keeping everything up and running while also being moved to your new location. The 2 full days without employees in the building enable your office movers to work more efficiently due to fewer disruptions.

Your move should take place on a weekend to keep the area free of those who might get in the way (or worse, be injured)

Be advised, however, in order to follow through with this tip, you must plan far in advance. Office movers are often booked up on weekends specifically for this reason. Another important logistical note is that you should communicate frequently with the landlords at both your current and future location. They should be aware and approve of your plan to move on a weekend or else you might find yourself standing outside with a bunch of furniture and office movers, hoping your future landlord will answer the phone on a weekend (not a good way to start at a new location). 


The moving experts at Chron put together a list of often-overlooked time-sensitive moving procedures. They include:

  • Review Your Leases
  • Contact Vendors
  • Organize Logistics (such as phone & IT setup)

Tasks like these must take place at specific times, so it’s best (both for you and your employees) to differentiate between time-sensitive and flexible tasks. Depending on the office movers you partner with, you should prioritize identifying what needs to take place the weekend of your move (such as IT and electronics set up) instead of focusing on unpacking and placing individual items where they belong. Your office move should be an office move, not an office move–plus office organizing–plus office decorating. Time-sensitive tasks should be your first priority, while flexible tasks should take place when time allows. 

Your IT and electronics set up should be prioritized over tasks that don’t need to be completed in order for you to run your company 


There are dozens of reasons why your office move requires office movers, but we’ll just look at a couple.

First, according to the team at Classic Moves, foregoing office movers and trying to move things on your own increases your liability and is very risky (and who will you ask to help move everything, your employees?). Office movers assume the risk for offices they’re moving.

Secondly, office movers are experienced. They’ll know how to move certain pieces and what to do and what not to do regarding important items such as furniture, computers and electronics. The procedures and policies that professional office movers subscribe to are far more advanced, so they’re prepared to execute your move seamlessly. You wouldn’t risk your car by handing your keys to someone who’s never driven before, and you shouldn’t risk the success of your company by planning and executing your office move on your own.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Your move will be much easier if you schedule it on a weekend (this will require planning far in advance as many moving companies are booked up quickly every weekend).
  2. Separate and prioritize those tasks that are time-sensitive; leaving items that can be done later to be done later.
  3. This is your company we’re talking about here, partner with experts who’ll get you up and running quickly.